Cosmic. Shamanic. Intuitive. Healing.

Connect with your deepest soul longing. Listen to the voices of your ancestors.
Uncover answers to burning questions. Hear what the Cosmos has to say.
Be Guided, Softened, Opened.
Find Clarity, Wisdom, Peace, Inspiration.

Remember why you are here.

Is this offering right for me?

Oracle Divination sessions are for you if you:

  • are seeking guidance / clarity / insight on a specific issue or decision

  • yearn to connect to a deeper, authentic expression of your self

  • love having a map for the year (month by month focus), provided in a Year Ahead reading

  • wish to connect with the loving dead

  • are curious about what intuitive readings can offer you

  • feel drawn to this work and my offerings!

Oracle Divination sessions are intuitively guided and deeply held in reverence, ceremony and cosmic trust.


I am Zenith.

I am a Witch. Shamanic Craftswoman. Intuitive Seer. Artist. Poet.

I have been training in the liminal and shamanic realms for over a decade.

I walk this Earth in love and reverence, I honour the ancestors, I Listen. Deeply.

I work with the cycles within and without for understanding, healing, and transformation.

I have trained with Denise Love (Death Doula) and Jane Hardwicke Collings, and am a Graduate of The School of Shamanic Womancraft.

How does it work?

Sessions are held over the phone or in person in Castlemaine, on Djaara Country.

Book a time and I will be in touch with details.

You can bring a specific query or a general curiosity, either way the session will unfold perfectly.

For further questions, please contact me.