Shamanic Counselling

Shamanic Counselling can guide you to unfold the deeper layers of meaning and move beyond the limitations of old stories. Shamanic Counselling may be for you if you have tried talk therapy in the past and still find yourself stuck, or if you are seeking holistic, soul-centred counselling.

Shamanic Counselling can assist in addressing:

  • anxiety, depression, shame, feeling ‘stuck’

  • major changes / life transitions

  • ancestral / generational trauma

  • feeling disconnected from self

  • feelings of powerlessness

  • grief and loss

  • identifying purpose and passion

    any other issues causing pain and limitation in your life.

If the issues are repetitive and seem unable to shift through other approaches, Shamanic Counselling can be particularly useful at identifying the root cause, and creating meaningful, lasting transformation.

We work with the Earth: the immense, abundant, generous and ever giving loving healing presence of nature.

We work with the healing potential of multiple crafting and art modalities.

We work with soul guides, archetypal work, to claim our strengths and reclaim parts of us that have been exiled.

We work with the guiding wisdom of the cycles living and breathing us through every moment.

We work with women’s wisdom - deep, ancient, timeless, to restore ourselves to wellbeing.

If soul work, eco therapy, art therapy, women’s wisdom, somatic embodiment, Earth based traditions and the mythopoetic pull at something instinctive in you… Well-come. You have found your place. You are right where you need to be.

Processes that can be utilised in session include:

  • client centred talk therapy

  • parts and archetype work

  • guided journey work

  • revisiting and healing rites of passage

  • sound healing

  • dream work

  • discovering and utilising your birth imprint

  • power animals, guides and allies from other realms

  • cycle literacy

  • core wound healing

  • ancestral healing and gifting

  • bespoke ritual and ceremony for healing

Shamanic Processes

You can reweave the story.

You can write a new chapter.

You can break the patterns.

You can grow a new tongue
and taste a better language.

You can save yourself,
awaken yourself,
and ignite your dreams.

You are responsible for your future,
and you can change it;

one decision at a time,

one choice at a time,

one step at a time,

one word at a time.

Brigit Anna McNeill