Craft your very own medicine drum

Peaceful countryside accommodation

Fully catered with nourishing meals

Replenish your self in nature, and nurture your mother-daughter bond.

Create your own lifelong tool for healing, meditation, song, prayer and play.

Remember the beauty, power and peace of women drumming and singing in circle together.

Find your belonging within a loving circle of soul sisters.

Mothers Be nourished and restored - body, heart and soul.

Daughters Be initiated into womanhood in a meaningful, soulful way.

Zenith Flume is a Shamanic Craftswoman and Women’s Wisdom Educator. Zenith runs regular Women’s Circles in Castlemaine and was recently on the teaching faculty at Witch School Melbourne 2024, where she taught The Sacred Cycles. She will be providing Ancestral Seer Readings at Seven Sisters Festival 2024. Zenith also provides 1:1 Shamanic Energy Healing sessions in Castlemaine.

Zenith first crafted her frame drum in 2016, and it quickly and reliably became one of the most trustworthy tools in her kit - for care and healing of self and others, and communion with the Earth and Otherworld. One of the things she most loves about the frame drum, is its instant capacity to drop us back into ourself, no matter how difficult our internal weather may be. The relationship we cultivate with our drum grows over time, each one carrying the unique medicine that is right for us.

Playing the frame drum is a return to self, and to ancient practices that thrum life and magick through our bodies… the heart, drum, and Earth beating as one.

4-6 OCT 2024
Central Victoria

We retreat in mudbrick accommodation on 200 acres, located on Dja Dja Wurrung Country, just 10 minutes up the road from Lalgambuk (Mt Franklin) - between Castlemaine and Daylesford (not far from Hepburn Springs Bathhouse, should you be inclined to take to the waters before or after our retreat!).

From the moment of arrival to the very last step, you feel held, nurtured, deeply relaxed, at peace, and connected. Connected to self, to nature, sisterhood, and your daughter in ways that feel easeful, nourishing, true. We spend the weekend in circle together, steeped in the beauty of ceremony. Remember, women have been gathering in these ways far, far longer than we have not... Generations upon generations... thousands upon thousands of years, pre-dating the patriarchal strategy of divide and conquer that has harmed the relationships between women, in our families, our communities, friendships, careers and passions, and perhaps most of all - our mother-daughter relationships.

When women reconnect with the wisdoms available to us through gathering in ritual in this way, we often encounter a sense of wonder and mourning - what might have our lives been like, had we had this knowledge from youth? This retreat creates the opportunity for just that - for the sake of our daughters, that they may know and live the women’s mysteries, know their own power and place within the magick of life. When we initiate ourselves through ritual, we initiate a healing cycle in our lineages. On this retreat, we create the safe space to initiate young women and their mothers side by side in gentle, loving ritual, coming together in the timeless ways known to women.

Break the spell of the patriarchy and come together to each birth a sacred medicine drum, a shamanic tool that will serve you for a lifetime of song, prayer, healing, and connection.

The frame drum is one of humankind’s oldest tools for healing, an ancient pan cultural instrument that has a rich, deep herstory of use by women. Traditionally, the frame drum finds its use in ritual, ceremony and healing, and the spirit of the hide used is considered to be the animal upon which the shaman rides through the otherworlds to seek wisdom and insight.

Its use can be applied to anxiety, stress, sleeplessness, feelings of loneliness, disconnection, and ungroundedness. Drumming regulates and soothes our nervous system and assists with emotional regulation, initiating feelings of peace, calm, clarity, and grounding. The meditative movement of drumming and the calming effects of the drumbeat, make the frame drum a wonderful tool for those who find stillness meditations inaccessible. Many people find they feel, think, and sleep better after using the drum.

Giving your daughter the gift of her own frame drum, made with her very own hands, provides her with a tool she can carry for life to regulate her emotions and nervous system in a healthy way. It is a lifelong ally for connecting her to her own voice and inner knowing, as well as her connection and belonging within the Earth and a community of sisters. To make your drums side by side is an enriching rite of passage you will both treasure for life.

What’s included:

  • 2 x nights peaceful mudbrick accommodation in the countryside just 10min from Lalgambuk (Mt Franklin)

  • Fully catered with nourishing lovingly prepared food and plentiful snacks and cuppas

  • Full supplies and guidance for crafting your very own shamanic medicine drum each

  • Discover your birth imprint and how it plays out in your life in how you ‘birth’ things - children, careers, creative projects…

  • Heal your birth story/ies and discover the unique superpower each has gifted you - claim your unique algorithm for success

  • Mother Daughter circles including access to beautiful healing, nurturing potions, essences, elixirs and mists as well as divination essences and cards

  • A weekend steeped in beauty and sacred ceremony

  • Rituals of connection and healing

  • Mother Circle online prior to the retreat

  • Claiming your power as Mother, and welcoming your Daughter to womanhood

  • Optional meet up the following weekend to drum together

Ready to inquire about booking your place
on this sacred, nourishing retreat?

Fill in the form below and we’ll be in contact!

Numbers are strictly limited to maintain an intimate group setting.
Booking is confirmed upon receipt of deposit.
Payment plans are available.