DARK MOON Women's Circle


In the Dark we find rest . nourishment . mystery . possibility . stillness . clarity . vision . surrender . dreaming . gestation . wild trust . magick . listening . inspiration .

Under the Dark Moon we gather to live these energies on purpose. We work with the potential of this lunar phase - to reflect, distill, and release.

Doing this part of the cycle consciously offers us the opportunity to break spells - old beliefs, behaviours, patterns that no longer serve us. When we bring awareness to the spell, then we can break it - clearing the way for new seeds of inspiration and vision to take root. This intentional seed-planting is the magick of the New Moon that immediately follows the Dark Moon; the partnership of death and rebirth, composting and planting, exhale before the inhale.

In this circle we bring awareness and intentionality to this potent phase of healing and possibility - that we may notice what is arising to be composted, in order to create the fertile conditions in which to sow our dreams.

We gather in circle, we listen, we hold loving space for ourselves and each other, re-membering women have gathered in this way for far longer than we have not. We reclaim our ancient, simple, powerful rituals of connection. We re-member ourselves, home.


This circle is held monthly on a Wednesday or Thursday evening preceding the Dark Moon.

Hosted by Zenith Flume - Graduate of the School of Shamanic Womancraft, and Teacher at Witch School Melbourne 2024. It is held on the lands of the Dja Dja Wurrung, in Castlemaine.

Address and further details provided via email upon booking.

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In the Dark we find rest . nourishment . mystery . possibility . stillness . clarity . vision . surrender . dreaming . gestation . wild trust . magick . listening . inspiration .

Under the Dark Moon we gather to live these energies on purpose. We work with the potential of this lunar phase - to reflect, distill, and release.

Doing this part of the cycle consciously offers us the opportunity to break spells - old beliefs, behaviours, patterns that no longer serve us. When we bring awareness to the spell, then we can break it - clearing the way for new seeds of inspiration and vision to take root. This intentional seed-planting is the magick of the New Moon that immediately follows the Dark Moon; the partnership of death and rebirth, composting and planting, exhale before the inhale.

In this circle we bring awareness and intentionality to this potent phase of healing and possibility - that we may notice what is arising to be composted, in order to create the fertile conditions in which to sow our dreams.

We gather in circle, we listen, we hold loving space for ourselves and each other, re-membering women have gathered in this way for far longer than we have not. We reclaim our ancient, simple, powerful rituals of connection. We re-member ourselves, home.


This circle is held monthly on a Wednesday or Thursday evening preceding the Dark Moon.

Hosted by Zenith Flume - Graduate of the School of Shamanic Womancraft, and Teacher at Witch School Melbourne 2024. It is held on the lands of the Dja Dja Wurrung, in Castlemaine.

Address and further details provided via email upon booking.

In the Dark we find rest . nourishment . mystery . possibility . stillness . clarity . vision . surrender . dreaming . gestation . wild trust . magick . listening . inspiration .

Under the Dark Moon we gather to live these energies on purpose. We work with the potential of this lunar phase - to reflect, distill, and release.

Doing this part of the cycle consciously offers us the opportunity to break spells - old beliefs, behaviours, patterns that no longer serve us. When we bring awareness to the spell, then we can break it - clearing the way for new seeds of inspiration and vision to take root. This intentional seed-planting is the magick of the New Moon that immediately follows the Dark Moon; the partnership of death and rebirth, composting and planting, exhale before the inhale.

In this circle we bring awareness and intentionality to this potent phase of healing and possibility - that we may notice what is arising to be composted, in order to create the fertile conditions in which to sow our dreams.

We gather in circle, we listen, we hold loving space for ourselves and each other, re-membering women have gathered in this way for far longer than we have not. We reclaim our ancient, simple, powerful rituals of connection. We re-member ourselves, home.


This circle is held monthly on a Wednesday or Thursday evening preceding the Dark Moon.

Hosted by Zenith Flume - Graduate of the School of Shamanic Womancraft, and Teacher at Witch School Melbourne 2024. It is held on the lands of the Dja Dja Wurrung, in Castlemaine.

Address and further details provided via email upon booking.

FULL MOON Women's Circle
Vigil & Shrouding - Sacred Departures Workshop #1
from $80.00